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solterrawebservices.com is not a registered domain!!!

Check your DNS zone file, including SOA, NS, A, CNAME, MX, and TXT records, learn the location of your server, WHOIS look-up and see how your domain has propogated from 10 different worldwide locations. All in one report! A great all-in-one tool for webmasters and IT professionals.

Check all of the following domain information in this one report:

  • SOA

  • NS

  • A


  • MX

Sample Reports:

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This is a free service of SolTerra Communications® (SolTerra). SolTerra makes no warranty that the information on ths site is correct, accurate or reliable. SolTerra expressly disclaims all waranty, including any implied warranty of mercantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall SolTerra Communications, its affiliates, directors, employees, or suppliers be liable for lost profits or any special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the site and the data provided. By using this website you agree to use the information for lawful purposes only, and to be bound by this Terms of Service. SolTerra reserves the right to monitor this site and collect information on its usage, and to restrict usage for any purpose.

If you are interested in accessing this service for automated systems, please contact us for API access. info@solterra.us.

Domain Report

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